Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Heritage Day Weekend.

Jude and I rode out to Taber for Heritage Day weekend.

We got to meet the newest addition to the gulley, Mr. Buffalo!

Of course, we had some Taber corn :)

Jude and Papa Martin picked a few chokecherries.

Jude tried to convince me that they are yummy, but there is a reason they are called chokecherries. I'll "eat" mine as wine, thank you very much.

Jude camouflaged in the gulley.

General camouflaged in the gulley.

Some gramma hugs.

Time to cheer on all the athletes at the Olympics. 
Jude has really gotten into the games, and cheers for everyone!

Go Canada!

Here's one for you Hungary. 

Then it was time for some cooking in the kitchen. Gramma whipped up some traditional treats for Heritage weekend. First off was a hungarian treat, Szilvas gomboc, plum filled "ravioli" with toasted bread crumbs on top.

They make a great team in the kitchen.

Then it was time to head to the Czech Republic for some cherry dumplings
(svestkove knedlicky).
Here they are steaming on the stove.

The steamed dumpling before applying the butter and poppyseed.

Thanks Gramma Annie for making all these special treats.

We ate some healthy stuff too, as Papa's garden is filled with new potatoes, carrots, onions, cucumbers and lots of herbs from Gramma's garden.

Here's Jude and Gramma seeing who can hold their breath the longest without laughing. That was the hardest part, not laughing :)

We all played Mousetrap. It was just as I remembered it, fun and frustrating at the same time.

Adding another painted rock to Jude's collection on the gulley.

Then it was back to Calgary where summer has really hit. 
I told Jude he had to wear a hat, since it was so hot out, so he chose the bucket.

Hmmm...that's all I have to say here.

It really feels like summer with all the fun holidays and warm weather.
Thanks Gramma Annie and Papa Martin for all the fun, tasty treats, Scrabble games (Gramma is winning these days!!), buffalo rides, and all the laughs.


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