Monday, December 3, 2012

6 blog years.

I posted my very first Lemoinechek blog post on November 23, 2006. What a six years it has been!
The blog has had 26,278 page views, and a total of 591 posts. Posts have gone from Jude's first teeth, first sleeps through the night, first words to Jude's teeth falling out, him sleeping in and Jude being able to read and write everything in sight.

As much fun as it has been, I believe it's time to retire Lemoinechek. Thankfully, I was able to print out all the posts so that one day Jude can read about every minutiae of his first 6 years. My wish is that he will laugh, smile and feel the love that went into every post.

I hope you have all enjoyed watching Jude grow through my eyes, and who knows, perhaps Jude will start a blog of his own!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and all the best for 2013.

Please leave a comment for Jude and I will be sure to put it in his book. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Here comes Santa Claus...

Well I was going to post photos here of Jude's visit to Santa....but it seems google now wants to charge for photo storage! Thus, I will have to do some research on whether to continue the blog with this software or move the blog. 

Stay tuned, and sorry for the temporary technical glitch.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The lego master.

 This morning was a PD day, so Jude spent the morning building Lego.

I think that the space ship that he built is very impressive!
He created this out of a bucket full of pieces. His symmetry as well as use of decorative items are what impress me the most. 

I heard that Legoland is looking for Lego engineers, perhaps one day Jude can apply.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Indoor Angry Birds.

It's no secret that Jude loves Angry Birds.

He loves to create towers for his Angry Birds to knock down.

That's the egg on top.

This was also the weekend that Angry Birds Star Wars launched!

Welcome to the pork side everyone :)

So we also spent a good portion of the weekend drawing Angry Birds Star Wars.

Thankfully it has warmed up a bit outside, 
as I think all the birds in the house needed a bit more space :)

Grade 1 School Picture

Crazy hair and crazy smile, but Jude seems to be able to pull it off.

At least there is no lunch on his face this year!

Friday, November 2, 2012

It was a Happy Halloween!

Here's my little blue Angry Bird.
Gramma Annie did a fantastic job of sewing Jude's costume. 

Normally Jude hates wearing his costume, doesn't like walking door to door for treats, or anything really to do with Halloween. But this year was completely different, he loved it all!

At school, they had a parade in the gym for all the parents to see the costumes. Jude was especially proud that a kindergarten kid yelled out, "hey, there's a blue angry bird."

 It was a cold and foggy Halloween night. 
So luckily there was room under Jude's costume for his winter coat!
(The Angry Bird pumpkins' paint didn't survive the freezing temperatures and snowblowers that he landscapers used to clear the snow, very well!!)

Looking more like Christmas than Halloween.

Jude was thrilled that he got some Angry Bird gummies in his loot. He ate them, and then traded the rest of his candy to the Switch Witch. She brought him some books and Lego. He was thrilled with the trade. I'm also thrilled that those tempting mini chocolate bars are gone for another year.

Hope your Halloween was as much fun!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkinpalooza at School

I volunteered to help Jude's class carve pumpkins this morning.
What an adventure :)

I had a great time. 
None of the kids wanted to stick their hands in pull out all the goop, my favourite part! 
They each drew a part of the face, and then I had to cut it out. You'll notice the kid in the blue shirt...well guess what he drew? Yes, the VERY DIFFICULT to cut mouth.
Jude drew the eyebrows.

Miss Finkleman, you are my hero that you do this every day.

Looking forward to watching all the children in their costumes at the Halloween tea on Wednesday.