Friday, February 11, 2011


Here's a discussion that Jude and I were having on the drive home from school the other day...
"Mommy, when there is an emergency you call the police, right? I know the number you have to call."
Mommy replies, "that's great, what is the number?"
Jude, "166"

His teachers keep telling me this is normal development, but I'm not convinced. I think Jude might be least I don't have to worry about the police showing up at the door because Jude dialed 911!

Have a great day, forwards or backwards.


Anonymous said...

that's actually kind of funny because I've been feeling like Jude was trying to tell me something when he spells my name tuby (Judy)... but then again if the shoe fits!!!!!!!!!!!
You are just way to cute Jube!!!

Davis Family said...

What a precious little man!!