Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to 2010!

Here's Jude celebrating with some grape juice. The grapes were from Auntie Patty and Uncle Daren's back yard! Gramma and Papa then squeezed them into juice (and wine) and Jude made moustaches with it. (He might still have some of that moustache, as real grape juice does stain!)

Christmas with Jude started on Boxing Day. We had brunch at our house and more presents to open. Thanks to everyone for spoiling Jude with lots of presents, even the noisy ones.

After brunch we headed to Taber to spend a few days with Gramma Annie and Papa Martin. Jude got his first Meccano set, complete with motor. So that kept Papa busy building, and then Jude would take it all apart as soon as he was done.

Here's the car.
Gramma and Jude kept busy in the kitchen. Here they were making cookies with every cookie cutter in the house. There was everything from pumpkins to reindeer in this batch.

Jude and Papa hanging out in the morning sunshine.

Trying out the trike in the snow.

Jude and I are looking forward to 2010 and all the fun times it will bring.

We wish everyone all the best for the coming year. It got off to a great start.

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