Friday, October 12, 2012

Baby Troy

Baby Troy came to visit!

Auntie Shari, Uncle Simon and Troy arrived from Victoria to baptize little Troy. So much fun having a baby in the house again.

Lots of cuddling.

Making Jell-O Jigglers with Auntie Shari. 
They had similar results to being partners in Craft Wars in Victoria...lots of fun, and lots of mess.

We were having tacos that night for dinner, so Jude made everyone "taco bibs".
I have no idea where he comes up with these things!

Then we were off to Taber for the baptism. Gramma Annie is also crafty and whipped up this green Angry Bird for Jude. Perhaps this is where Jude gets it from!

Troy on the "big day".
I LOVE this kid's hair. 

At the church.

Godparents and Parents.

Jude's great-grandfathers helped build this church, his grandparents were married in it, and I was baptized in it, and now Troy. A lot of family history in that church!

Large, Medium and Small.

I remember when Jude was little like Troy, and can't believe he's already twice his size!! But he's still half of Uncle Simon, so he has a ways to go yet.

Thanks for such a fun visit Bakkers.

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