Friday, September 28, 2012

Terry Fox Day

Today is Terry Fox day at Jude's school. Yesterday they watched a movie about his life, and talked about why they celebrate Terry Fox day. So this is what Jude drew and wrote in his "exit journal". (His exit journal is where the teacher has them write about their day, so when their nosey parents want to know everything about their day, they just have to look in the journal.")

I love Terry's one "very hairy" leg and other "golf club" leg. Apparently Terry does not wear pants either. 

Jude had his first art lesson yesterday too!
I wasn't sure what this was supposed to be, but at bedtime he finally chatted with me about his day (anything to not have to go to bed) and he said that they had to draw different size balls, in a still-life. Now, I can see a baseball, and what I think are supposed to be shadows behind the balls.

I do think it's interesting how they have him colouring in the same direction. I'm sure Picasso didn't hit it out of the park in his first art class either :)

Wow, Friday already. Can't wait for the weekend.

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