Monday, March 28, 2011

Lawnmowers, Chainsaws and Babybell Cheese.

This weekend Jude decided he wanted to cut out his favourite things from the flyers and 
glue them onto a big sheet of paper. It was interesting to see what things Jude thought were "super cool". 

 There were lots of lawnmowers, only green ones like Papa Martin's. Cleaning products??? Not sure why those are super cool. Babybell cheese, he's fascinated with this cheese...again, weird. Then there were the chainsaws and mini-vans.

I had to admire his sense of order when gluing...and his cutting was pretty amazing too. Montessorri is really rubbing off on this kid. In more ways than just gluing and cutting, as he was telling me about finishing his "pluses" book at school. I said, "oh, it that where you add numbers together?" to which he replied, "yes, like 9 + 9 = 18". YIKES, how am I ever going to be able to help this kid with his homework when he's almost surpassing me at math at age 4!!

Now for something slightly less orderly. Here's Jude's creation for Gramma Annie. The string is hair, and he found a use for those googly eyes. This was all done between the hours of 7 and 8 am on Sunday I applaud his efforts so early in the morning. I admittedly only had one eye half open to make sure that he wasn't covering the couch in Sharpie or stapling things to the cushions.

The finished product. It was difficult trying to tell Jude that Canada Post was not going to accept this with just a stamp on it. So I convinced Jude we would just email the picture to Gramma. Hope you like it Gramma!

I'm including this photo because I can't believe Jude is still trying to make snowmen at the end of March!! I love how he's using a sand shovel and bucket :)

Are you dreaming of lawnmowers too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great picture Jude, you must have seen me before showering someday!
perfect replia........looks like a budding artist, or matimatician!!!!!!Granma can't even spell it!!!