Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The experiment is complete, and the eggs are now green and red!

Hear no evil eggs.

See no evil eggs.

This egg looks a little evil.

Yes, still evil.

Whew, making rubber eggs is no easy task. We've had a 50% mortality rate, but 110% fun. Now it's onto the foamcore tri-board to post all of our findings and photos. 

Speaking of 50%, Jude had his booster shots the other day and he's exactly 50% for height and weight. He was so brave about getting all the needles too, only some tiny tears. The best part for him was all the band-aids the nurse put on him. They were like big badges of honour for surviving his vaccinations. 

I think mommy should get the "surviving pre-school science fair" badge of honour!

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