Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gingerbread House...more like JuJube house!

Over 24 hours in the making the gingerbread house is done! I was concerned about the pre-packaged houses using dairy so I made the gingerbread from scratch...but I shouldn't have worried since as soon as Jude smelled the molasses he was not about to lick that beater! Next year, prepackaged house :)

The humble beginnings.

 All ready with the candy to start decorating.

This was stage 2, the jujubes had been applied with care and now we were onto the logs...I mean pretzels.

All done!

I also promised the professional picture of Santa and Jude, but since I've upgraded all the software on my computer the scanner on my printer doesn't work!! You'll just have to wait a bit longer for that, or at least until I recover from being a gingerbread architect.

Here's hoping your weekend was as sweet :)

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