Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday and Tape.

 Nothing says Tuesday like crafting with tape. Probably should have used some of that tape on his bed head.

Jude has exhausted the scotch tape supply in the house, so we had to move onto painter's tape. Since scotch tape was rationed when I was young (I am now figuring out why!) I have been liberal in letting Jude apply it to everything. 

It just makes him so happy to stick stuff together. Thankfully someone invented a tape sticky enough to stick, but not take paint off the wall. Thank you to painter's tape.

Because sticking tape to paper is so last year, Jude has moved onto building forts with it.

Well, sometimes he still sticks paper to it, LOTS of paper bits.

It better stop raining and warm up soon, as Jude might have to go as Painter's Tape for Halloween.

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