Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sad & Happy Faces

Jude drew these sad and happy faces all by himself. We've been stuck indoors with a winter storm blowing in on Friday with snow and LOTS of wind. So it's been a combination of happy and sad faces around here.

The drifts have made driving almost impossible. On Friday, I picked Jude up early from school and phoned the school to ask them not to put him down for a nap that I would be there soon. He was also supposed to get his haircut after school. So he was very happy that he didn't have to get his haircut or take a nap because the teacher said, "I no have to nap today."

What's better on a wintery cold day than some soup? Jude's latest favourite, wonton soup. Here he is counting out how many he's going to eat.

And here he is being Jude.

Let's hope it warms up soon, Jude really needs a haircut. Hope you're all staying warm.

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