Monday, October 12, 2009

Taber Thanksgiving.

Most people think of corn when they think of Taber, but it was all pumpkins this weekend.

We went to a pumpkin farm to look for pumpkins, thankfully they were all kept indoors. It felt a lot more like Christmas than it did Thanksgiving!

Aren't they amazing? To some (Gramma Annie and Uncle Scott) it is thought that I pick out the ugliest pumpkins. Now it just needs to warm up outside so that I can display them on my front step.

After picking all the pumpkins, it was time to make pumpkin pie (and cherry pie for Jude). Gramma Annie and Jude are comparing rolling pins.

Here's the little pastry chef, preferring hand rolling to the rolling pin :)

Then it was time to make Gramma Annie and Papa Martin some potato turkeys. (Then the battery on my camera died, so there's a bunch of Thanksgiving that never got recorded. I may not have the pictures, but I can share with you that Jude and I have a very wonderful family. There's so much laughter, lively discussions, Scrabble wars, and the best gravy and mashed potatoes around. Jude's cousins play endlessly with him, making him the happiest little boy on earth. Not only did my battery die around this time at Thanksgiving, but Jude's did too. An emergency nap was in order at around 5pm as he couldn't stay awake long enough for dessert. A sure sign that Jude had a great Thanksgiving.)

Maybe one day Jude will be as tall as his cousin Dylan?

He'll have to grow a lot more to fit into his cousin Dylan and Kyle's shoes!

I hope you all had a wonderful turkey day with your families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sirree...quite the Thanksgiving we hardly noticed it was freezing outside, thanks for all the fun, Jude, our little pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!!!Grandma and PaPa