Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins.

Remember all those pumpkins Jude (and mom) picked in Taber? Well they've been put to good use decorating the house until the snow melted.

It was beginning to feel like they were multiplying, as Jude would redistribute them (the ones he could carry) around the house.

Finally, the snow melted and the nights have warmed up a bit, so outside they went.

As you can probably tell from the photo, Jude was trying to knock over the big pumpkin.

Jude's school has ethnic day instead of Halloween, where the kids are supposed to dress-up as their ethnic background. Does anyone know how to make a French-Perogy costume? Or perhaps I can dress him as a pysanka and he can wear a beret? Ideas are welcome, please submit.


Anonymous said...

"Is that Jude the Scarecrow guarding the pumpin patch", must be the "coolest" front porch in the neighbourhood!" Absolutly blank on the costume idea....a bit too many variations!!!!.........:] Grandma Annie :]

Jorgensen Sandwich said...

I think he should wear his super hero costume that is so lovely and tell his teachers he comes from a long and distinguished family of secret super heros. Would they dare to tell him otherwise? Could they prove otherwise?