Thursday, September 24, 2009


What's funnier than Jude in these glasses? How about hitting 34 degrees at the end of September, supposedly we were as hot as Cancun. I just wish we had the ocean and margaritas to go along with it.

Remember back in June when Jude planted his garden with Gramma Annie?

Well it took 4 months, but finally the sunflower has a flower. I'm sure it's a bit confused since the hottest day we've had all year was yesterday. I'm convinced it got this warm again because I took it upon myself to put all the fans away in the house. They WERE all neatly packed way in the back behind the Christmas tree.

This is as close as I could get Jude to stand to the sunflower without him attacking it. That flower is sturdier than one would think :)

Jude is doing great. He has a bit of the sniffles and a cough, so we've been chatting a lot about germs and how coughing on everyone at the grocery store when you're sick is not that appropriate. You'd think some of these things would be obvious, apparently not. Needless to say the Grouch Marx nose needed a little cleaning after the photoshoot.

Here's hoping you're all staying healthy and enjoying this little bit of global warming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get well my little man. Love the glasses!

Auntie Angie