Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Super Mario Cubs.

Jude really, really wanted to wear his Super Mario hat to t-ball the other night. 
He also really wanted to make this face. 

Thankfully he left the Mario hat in the car. 
Here he is getting a few batting pointers from Coach Karen.

He's getting pretty good at whacking that ball. Auntie Shari, Auntie Lorraine and Bailey came to watch him play. He was so excited to see all of them, that he told me he didn't want to play because he wanted to be with his family. How can you argue with that?

He also had a great time playing with his "boy aunty" as he calls Uncle Simon. They cheered on the Canucks together. Looking forward to watching another game together when they see each other on the weekend.

In other news, Jude had his first optometrist appointment the other day, and he has perfect vision! I was so relieved, since I have worn glasses since I was 5. I guess I can save the glasses money for the orthodontics...I suspect a rather large overbite, I'll keep you posted as the dentist appointment is next.

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