Friday, May 13, 2011

Diggin' it.

We're diggin' these nice temperatures! Jude and I headed outdoors to soak up a little sun, get rid of a few weeds and bat a ball around.

Jude also grabbed the camera to take a few shots. These are completely unedited, all the composition and cropping is courtesy of Jude Lemoine. I'm diggin' them too.

Dandelion Digger

Just add Sobeys and weeds.

Water tap...and dryer fuzz!

Hope you're diggin' this Friday the 13th.


Anonymous said...

I'm diggin' that you are so cute Jube !!!!!!!
Enjoy the sun FINALLY.

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures, love checking in on you two on here. Heard you were in England for the Royal
Happy Spring!