Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

 Happy Mother's Day to my mom, and all the other amazing moms I know. 

Here are a few goodies from the Mother's Day Tea at Jude's school. I was unfortunately late for the event and they had already sung their song, so later Jude's teacher put on the music again and he sang. I'm not sure why he needed to rub his head the whole time he sang...maybe singing is as painful for him as it is for me :)

Here's Jude's favourite teacher, Miss Santos. She loves him, and is probably responsible for more of his accomplishments than I am! I am very lucky to have so many people that love and look after my little muffin. He makes being a mom a pretty good gig...most days anyway :)

Jude is getting to be a pretty good photographer, here's a shot that's actually in focus and without his finger in there somewhere.

Happy Mother's Day!

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