Sunday, June 19, 2011

Not what I had imagined...

Like all women, one of our biggest fantasies is having a man clean our house in relatively little clothing. I had just not imagined that it would be Jude.

He even had tattoos!!

I hope this doesn't mean that the fantasy will never happen again. Especially since he never really cleaned, it was more of a weapon than a vacuum.

It's strange how I don't find vacuuming half as exciting as he does. Maybe I need to try it shirtless with tattoos...I think that would ruin the fantasy for my neighbours as well.

Supposedly summer is to arrive this week, we welcome you with open arms. Perhaps my little guy can get a tan to go with his missing 6-pack :)

1 comment:

Davis Family said...

Heee heee - that is pretty darn cute!