Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Jude believes to be true.

Life according to Jude, while driving home from school..

 To set-up the story, Jude has a fear of falling in the toilet, this drives me crazy because he believes public toilets are bigger than any other toilets and he will definitely fall in, thus refuses to use them. Very inconvenient...if the kid only grew up like I did with an outhouse! So we were discussing the fact that I have never heard of a kid falling in the toilet that was Jude's age. Jude was refuting this notion, so I asked him if he ever saw a kid fall in the toilet? He quickly and adamantly responded, "Yes, in Germany."

How do you argue with that? 

Apparently they must have been studying geography that day because he was spotting water puddles on the side of the road that looked like South America and telling me all about New Brunswick.

Never boring around here.

1 comment:

Davis Family said...

Don't tell him, but Bronwyn has fallen into the toilet, but she has a really tiny butt.